Sizmek by Amazon partners Vossle through Exclusive Reseller Escape Velocity for AR Ads

vossle sizmek partnership
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In a market-disrupting move, Vossle, a no-code, no-app, cloud-based SAAS platform for Augmented Reality partnered with Escape Velocity, the exclusive reseller of Sizmek by Amazon in India. The aim is to integrate Augmented Reality advertisements or AR ads into Sizmek and bring in a new era of immersive advertisements that open a whole new world of business opportunities. 

AR ads are the next evolutionary step in the advertisement space. They enhance the users’ engagement and interaction with the brand by conjuring up a whole new reality by overlaying interactive digital objects in a real-world setting. This creates a completely novel user experience wherein users live the brand story and not just listen to it.

The integration of AR ads with Sizmek will help businesses reach out to their audience in the most innovative and unique way to build a powerful brand image and a positive long-term customer-brand relationship. Not to mention various other great benefits the AR ads 

AR Advertisement: The Next Phase of the Ad Evolution Saga 

Advertisement space has evolved phenomenally over time. The journey from text-based bland advertisements to Augmented Reality ads filled with vigorous and interactive content has revolutionized how brands engage with their audiences. 

Starting with simple text-based ads, advertising has progressed through visual, digital, multimedia, interactive, and now, augmented reality formats. Each stage introduced new elements and technologies to enhance communication and user engagement. 

AR ads, in particular, have transformed advertising by seamlessly blending virtual elements with the real world, offering immersive and interactive experiences. From visualizing products in real environments to gamified interactions, AR ads have become a powerful tool for brands to captivate audiences and create memorable connections.

Text-Based Advertisements

In the early days of advertising, text-based ads were the primary form of communication. These ads relied on written messages, slogans, and persuasive copy to convey information and attract attention. Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, were the main platforms for distributing text-based ads.

Visual Ads

With the rise of visual media, advertisements started incorporating images and graphics to enhance their impact. Visual ads allowed brands to convey their message more effectively and capture attention through eye-catching designs and compelling visuals. 

Print ads began to include images alongside text, and eventually, television and video ads emerged as powerful visual advertising mediums.

Digital Ads

The advent of the internet and digital technologies brought about a paradigm shift in advertising. Text-based ads transitioned to digital formats, including banner ads, search engine ads, and sponsored content. 

These ads leveraged the power of clickable links and interactive elements to engage users and drive them to specific actions, such as visiting a website or making a purchase.

Multimedia Ads 

As internet bandwidth and technology advanced, multimedia ads became prevalent. These ads combined text, images, audio, and video to create more immersive and engaging experiences. Video ads on platforms like YouTube and social media platforms gained popularity, providing brands with opportunities to tell stories and connect emotionally with their target audience.

Augmented Reality Ads: Defining the New Reality

Augmented Reality advertisement or AR Ads refers to the use of augmented reality technology in advertising campaigns. 

The introduction of AR technology opened up new possibilities for advertising. AR ads overlay virtual elements onto the real world, offering users interactive and immersive experiences. 

Users can visualize products in their own space, try on virtual items, play games, or access additional information by simply pointing their device at an AR-enabled trigger. 

These immersive AR ads bridge the gap between online and offline experiences, providing users with a more realistic and engaging way to interact with brands.

Types and Benefits

AR advertising involves overlaying virtual content, such as 3D objects, animations, or information, onto the real world through a device, such as a smartphone or tablet. This technology enhances users’ perception of reality and allows them to interact with virtual elements within their physical environment.

Offering immersive advertisements bring huge benefits to the advertiser. We will discuss these benefits in detail in the following sections. First, let’s see what are the types of AR advertisements.

Types of AR Advertisements

AR advertisements incorporate multiple features that businesses across industries can make the most of. On the bases of these features, AR advertisements can be divided into different types. Following are the types of AR advertisements along with examples for business to understand their utility and get an idea of which AR ad type suits their business goal.

AR Product Visualization

These AR Ads let users visualize and interact with virtual representations of products in their own space. Users just need to give permission to open the camera of their device. And as soon as they grant the permission, the AR ad places the product in their space so that they get a fair idea of its looks, features, and dimension and make a better decision.

For example, furniture retailers can allow users to see how a couch would look in their living room through an AR app.

AR Try-Ons

AR ads enable users to virtually try on products such as clothing, accessories, or makeup. Users can see how the items would look on them without physically trying them on.

The advertisements use the camera of the devices such as a smartphone to overlay the product on the user. Users can see themselves wearing the product on the screen, they can move or turn around to see how the product looks on them from different angles.

As mentioned above, these AR ads are best for wearable so, for example, Eyewear brands can use the AR try-on feature to let users wear their sunglasses and see how it looks on them on the screen.

AR Games

AR games incorporate interactive games or experiences to engage users. Brands can create first-person shooting games, toss and collect and other games that users can participate in within their real-world environment.

These AR ads are great to lure in younger audiences including Millennials and Genz. So brands that cater to the said audience can benefit from such AR advertising. Therefore, fashion brands for youngsters can use AR Games to reach out to their audience in a much more engaging way.

The Impact of AR Advertising

AR Stats


The above-shown infographics show how AR advertising can highly impacting for products. Let’s dive into the details of how that happens.

ar engagement

Increased User Engagement 

AR ads provide an interactive and immersive experience, capturing users’ attention and encouraging them to spend more time engaging with the content. They interact with the digital object which can be the product itself, indulge in playful activities, and do much more depending upon what brands decide to offer through their AR ads. This higher engagement leads to better brand awareness and message retention.

Enhanced Personalization

With the power of Artificial Intelligence, AR ads leverage user data to offer personalized advertisements that align with users’ preferences and behaviors and target them on a much more granular level than it was ever possible. 

AR advertisers can deliver personalized and targeted experiences, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of the ads.

Improved Conversion Rates

By allowing users to visualize products in their real environment or try them virtually, AR ads reduce the uncertainty and hesitation often associated with online purchases. This can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

Social Sharing and Virality

Engaging AR experiences often motivate users to share their experiences on social media, creating organic brand exposure and potentially going viral. This social sharing can significantly amplify the reach and impact of AR ad campaigns.

Implementation Platforms

AR ads can be delivered through various platforms, including mobile apps, social media platforms, and web-based AR experiences. Brands can develop their own AR apps or leverage existing platforms that support AR functionality.

Measuring Success 

Like any advertising campaign, the success of AR ads can be measured using various metrics such as engagement rates, conversions, social media shares, and user feedback. Advertisers can analyze these metrics to optimize future campaigns and improve overall effectiveness.


The partnership between Vossle and Escape Velocity represents a turning point in the history of advertisement. AR advertisement represents the next phase of advertisement evolution offering unique benefits to businesses. By seamlessly integrating virtual elements into the real world, AR ads provide immersive and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

It is a powerful tool for businesses to stand out in a crowded marketplace, create memorable brand experiences, and drive higher engagement and conversions. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for AR advertising will only expand, offering even more innovative and impactful ways for brands to connect with their audiences.