Revolutionizing Advertising: Vossle’s Vision for AR Ads that Transcend Reels

advertising with ar
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The Limitations of Reels: Why Augmented Reality Advertisement Need to Break Free

Instagram reels are one the most popular entertainment modes in the existing times. 91% of surveyed active Instagram users watch videos on Instagram weekly. This is a huge number given that there are about 1.4 billion Instagram users. Doing the math, the number comes to be around 1.25 billion people who watch video content on Instagram, mostly Reels. To put it in perspective, the total population of the world is 7.8 billion so around one-sixth of people in the world watch video content.

That’s a huge number, isn’t it? But do these numbers also percolate to the advertisements numbers? I guess not. The Reels Ads fail to capitalize on this huge number in the way they should and to understand and, in this section, we will examine the different reasons that fail Reels Ads.

Reels Ads are Doomed to be Skipped

The popularity of Reels lies in their ability to offer uninterrupted and consuming entertainment readily accessible. 

By just swiping their thumb users access a continuous stream of highly entertaining short videos that keep the happy hormone flowing through their brains. They get so deeply engrossed in the content that any kind of interruption or even a slight drop in entertainment level is intolerable no matter what. 

So, when a reel fails to capture and hold the user’s attention for the first 3-5 seconds, it is doomed to be skipped right away without a second chance. In such an intense scenario, do you think an advertisement will stand a chance considering that entertainment is not its primary motive? 

The answer is a straight no. In fact, users would see the advertisements as nothing more than a pesky interruption imposed forcefully on them. And they would readily skip it to check a video they like. 

Augmented Reality Advertisement Solution: Perfect Blend of Entertainment and Advertisement

However, the scenario changes drastically when we compare AR advertisements. These immersive advertisements merge entertainment and advertising so seamlessly that users don’t even realize that they are in the middle of advertising content.

The Augmented Reality advertisement engross them in the distinct 3D world where they enjoy interacting and engaging with the digital object playfully. The experience encapsulates branding and promotional messages in a way that users love to engage with them repeatedly for longer sessions. 

One of the best examples is Vossle’s innovative Inline AR Ads that turn normal web Ad units into immersive AR units. These ad units offer an instant AR experience as soon as the user lands on the web page and offer an enjoyable user experience.

Brands use these ad units to entertain their audience while hiding their promotional message in the middle of the content so that it appears organic and not imposing. This is not only highly fruitful when it comes to brand awareness but also encourages user engagement and virality.

The Short Format with Little Room for Brand Storytelling

Further, Instagram Reels, with their short format, pose challenges in maintaining users’ attention for longer periods and conveying comprehensive brand stories. 

Take an example of a fashion brand trying to showcase a new collection through an Instagram Reel. In the short video format with an even shorter user attention span, Reels may only have time to showcase a few quick outfit changes or highlight a single garment, leaving little room for storytelling or conveying the brand’s unique vision. This lack of depth can hinder the brand’s ability to establish a meaningful connection with the audience.

Additionally, Instagram Reels’ short format can make it challenging for brands to provide context or educate their audience on complex topics. For instance, if a skincare brand wants to explain the science behind its products or provide skin care tips, it may struggle to do so effectively within the time constraints of an Instagram Reel.

Augmented Reality Advertisement Solution: Immersive Content for the Next Level of Storytelling

With AR advertisement, users don’t just listen to the brand story they live it through the immersive content leading to the deepest level of engagement humanly and cognitively possible. 

AR has the power to transport them into a different world built solely around the brand so that each element shares a story and involves the users emotionally with the business.

AR ads use techniques like 3D product visualization, virtual tours, gamification, etc to engage them in multiple ways and on multiple layers. Thus, AR ads create a more immersive, memorable, and interactive connection between the brand and its audience, helping to build stronger brand engagement and loyalty.

Instagram Reels do not Support Linking 

Another potential disadvantage with Reels is that advertisers are not able to offer clickable links which impose limits on driving direct traffic to specific landing pages or conversion points. Hence, limiting the scope of CTA which is an important part of any advertising campaign.

Without clickable links, advertisers have to rely on users manually typing in URLs or searching for the brand or product themselves, which can create friction and reduce the likelihood of immediate conversions or actions.

Additionally, the inability to offer clickable links can make it harder for advertisers to track and measure the direct impact of their Reels campaigns. Without the ability to track click-through rates or monitor specific user interactions, advertisers may face challenges in accurately assessing the effectiveness of their campaigns and optimizing them for better results.

Furthermore, the absence of clickable links may disrupt the user experience by requiring users to leave the Reels environment to engage further with a brand or its offerings. This additional step can lead to drop-offs and decreased engagement as users may not be willing to make the effort to manually navigate to a website or take further actions.

Augmented Reality Advertisement Solutions: Drive Traffic Directly to your Website

Clickable links in Augmented Reality advertisement provide significant advantages for advertisers. Firstly, they drive direct traffic by allowing users to easily access specific landing pages, websites, or online stores related to the advertised product or service. This seamless transition increases the likelihood of conversions. 

Secondly, these links enable advertisers to track user engagement and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns through click-through rates and conversion rates. This data helps optimize future advertising strategies. 

Thirdly, clickable links serve as effective call-to-action buttons, guiding users to take desired actions like making a purchase, signing up, or exploring more information. This prompts higher user engagement and boosts conversions. 

Additionally, clickable links enhance the user experience by offering a convenient and uninterrupted browsing experience within the AR environment. They enable data capture, allowing advertisers to collect valuable user information for remarketing purposes. 

Moreover, deep linking within AR ads directs users to specific sections or features, providing targeted content and improving the overall user experience.

Vossle’s Trailblazing Approach: Transforming the Advertising Landscape

3d ar ads

Vossle is a leading AR platform that facilitates easy AR-business integration. It helps businesses create an impact in the market through fresh and innovative immersive experiences that users have never seen before while achieving higher ROI.

Businesses use Vossle to create AR experiences without writing even a single line of code or hiring a huge and expensive app development team. They just subscribe to the SAAS platform, upload their 3D models tune settings as per their needs and the AR experience is ready to hit the market. 

The AR experience created is useable across different fronts including immersive advertising campaigns, AR product packaging, AR business cards, AR games, AR product visualization, product demonstrations, and much more.

However, it is the impact of AR ads that makes them really stand out. AR ads bring huge benefits to businesses and help them outsmart competitors using the traditional route of advertising.

Here are some of the advantages of Augmented Reality advertisement that Vossle helps you achieve for your businesses.

Enhanced User Engagement

Since Augmented Reality advertisement surround users from 360 degrees, it develops a distinct environment dedicated solely to brand interaction. Moreover, the interactive feature that allows users to move and control digital element create a playful experience that user enjoy and spend longer engaging sessions.

On the other hand, keeping the artificial object connected to the real-world objects makes the experience much more convincing and believable rather than traditional ads that have no connection to users’ real world. 

As a result, AR ads attain more engagement than any other advertisement platform and encourage them to spend more time engaging with the brand. Users interact with the brand images, visualize and digitally try on the products, and live the brand story in their real environment. All this develops a connection with the brand that grows stronger and last longer.

Improved Brand Recall

Augmented Reality advertisement are not unidirectional like traditional ads. They communicate with the user bidirectionally as a result users do not just listen to or watch the content but they experience and live it. This makes AR advertising much more effective and memorable than other advertising methods. 

The same reason applies here as well. That is, by integrating the brand into users’ physical environment through AR, ads connect better with the user and lead to 50% higher memory encoding, some studies suggest that number to be 70%. 

Encoding is the human brain process of converting a perceived item of use into a construct that can be stored and recalled in the longer term within the brain. 

So, in short, when users interact with virtual products or experiences in their own space, it creates a stronger connection with the brand. This connection increases the likelihood of users remembering the brand and recognizing it in the future.

Personalization and Targeting

Augmented Reality advertisement powered with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be customized to match users’ preferences, demographics, and behavioral data. AI is capable of analyzing huge amounts of user data to help advertisers deliver well-targeted AR ads. 

As a result, the content of Augmented Reality advertisement resonates with users on a personal level and contributes to forming long-term customer-brand relationships that every business craves. Take a cosmetics brand, for example, it can offer virtual makeup try-on based on a user’s skin tone and style preferences. This personalization enhances user engagement and drives higher conversion rates.

Higher Conversion Rates

Once the ads have reached their target audience, the only way forward is conversion for sale.

The immersive and interactive nature of Augmented Reality advertisement bridges the gap between online and offline shopping experiences. Users can virtually see the product, understand its feature and functions and ever try products, such as furniture or clothing, before making a purchase. 

This reduces uncertainty in the minds of the customer and increases their confidence in buying decisions, leading to higher conversion rates. 

Additionally, AR ads can provide seamless links to e-commerce platforms, enabling users to make purchases directly within the ad experience.

Social Sharing and Virality

AR ads merge fun into promotional messages in a way that people love to go through the experience again and again. Additionally, they want to share it with their peers so that their peers could also have the same experience that they enjoyed. 

That is why, people often take the route of social sharing with AR ads to share the excitement with their friends and followers on social media and show them what a great experience they are having. Moreover, the fun only gets multiplied when more people join something known as the collective experience and we all know that subconsciously, users share it with others and want them to try out it as well. 

This benefits the advertising brand to a great extent. They reach out to more people and get more exposure and popularity.

On top of it, the virality factor is never out of the question. The fresh content of the AR ads makes them significantly suitable for going viral on social media. And when an AR ad or for that matter any content goes viral, we know what a great impact it creates.

It reaches the largest audience possible and generates great buzz around the originator, in this case, the brand.  Hence, the brand attains more reach and popularity than it was ever possible through organic brand promotion. Thus, the AR ads create an impactful ad campaign that brings unimaginable returns.

Data and Insights

AR ads also provide valuable data and insights regarding the performance of ads helping advertisers gain an understanding of how the ad is performing. They can track user interactions, such as the time spent engaging with the ad, specific features or products explored, and user feedback. 

This data helps advertisers gain a deeper understanding of user preferences, behavior, and product interests. By analyzing these insights, advertisers can optimize future ad campaigns, refine targeting strategies, and improve overall marketing effectiveness.

Types of AR advertisement: To Assist Businesses of All kinds

types of ar advertisement

So, now the question arises what are the features of AR ads? How do they attract users?

AR ads have multiple features based on which their experience can be divided into different categories. These features offered other types of user experience and all of them stand out from the traditional ad campaigns. Let’s look at these features one by one. 

Location-Based AR Advertisements

This type of AR advertisement utilizes the user’s GPS or location data to deliver augmented content based on their real-world location. It overlays relevant information, offers, or virtual experiences onto the user’s surroundings. So when users visit that particular physical location wherein they are prompted to use their smartphone camera to scan a particular QR code or image. 

As soon as they will scan the code, they would see digital elements added to that physical location this will add to their experience and enhance their brand image

Such AR experiences are best for real-estate firms that can use the technology to augment real-world locations and attract more prospects.

AR Filters Advertisements

AR filters, also known as selfie filters, are AR advertisements that apply virtual elements to a user’s face in real-time. These filters often include effects like masks, makeup, character transformations, object placement, environment transformation, etc.

Users can access the experience through their smartphone camera which will capture their image and show it will additional digital elements.

AR filters are commonly used by beauty brands, entertainment companies, and social media platforms to engage users and promote their products or campaigns.

Gamified AR Advertisements

Gamified AR advertisements incorporate elements of gaming to entertain users while promoting a brand or product. These ads typically involve interactive challenges, shooting games, tossing and collection games, or any other virtual game. Users engage with these games using their device’s camera and sensors. Gamified AR ads are effective in capturing user attention and encouraging active participation.

These AR experiences help businesses to reach out to the younger audience. These experiences have a higher engagement rate as youngsters spend a considerable amount of time playing and enjoying gamified brand interaction.

Try-On Experiences

Try-on experiences allow users to virtually try on products like clothing, accessories, or cosmetics. Using AR technology, users can see how a product would look on them in real time or through uploaded photos. 

The AI behind the experience scans the captured image to identify the specified body part and superimpose digital fashionwear over the same.

This type of AR advertisement is prevalent in the fashion and beauty industries, providing users with a personalized and immersive shopping experience. It improves the purchase intent of the user and helps them make better buying decisions with higher satisfaction levels and fewer return rates.

Interactive Print Ads 

Interactive print ads combine traditional print media with AR technology. Advertisers can place the AR experience trigger such as an image or QR code in a printed advertisement. Users can scan the AR trigger using their device’s camera, which will activate augmented content, such as videos, 3D models, or additional information, and place it in front of the user.

Interactive print ads bridge the gap between physical and digital advertising, enhancing engagement and interactivity.

OOH AR advertising

This AR advertising turns traditional Out-of-Home or OOH advertising into an immersive 3D AR advertisement. Just like print ads, advertisers can place the trigger image or QR code in their OOH advertising. Users can access the AR experience through their smartphones and access the experience. 

The experience will bring the OOH content to life only to take the viewers by surprise. Such AR ads have huge potential for positive brand awareness through their elements of novelty and surprise.

Opening Doors to New Possibilities: How AR Ads Can Reach a Wider Audience

AR Ads offers various unique propositions that no other advertisement experience offers which places them in a better position to attain higher reach, bring in more engagement, and result in higher conversion rates

On one hand, it brings in novel capability to use which users create their AR-based content and share it over social media and other platforms leading to more reach. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence helps AR advertisements to be more personalized, well-targeted, and deeply engaging.

Let us discuss each aspect in detail.

Novelty and Surprise

AR ads involve the elements of novelty and surprise. To explain, till now the traditional ads were limited to two-dimensional non-interactive content only which limited the users’ engagement beyond a limit. The users could only watch and listen to the ad content because they could not get too involved in it.

On the other hand, AR advertisement place interactive three-dimensional content around the users which is a completely new experience for them. Moreover, apart from watching and listening to the AR ad content, users can also interact with the responsive digital objects which catches them by surprise. 

As a result, AR ads impress users and more users like to enjoy the content and spend more time engaging with it. Hence, AR Ads attain more reach than other ads.

Virality and Social Sharing

Because of their unique engrossing capability, playfulness, and high scope of creativity, AR ads have a higher likelihood of being shared on social media platforms. 

Users are more inclined to share their augmented experiences with friends and followers, creating a ripple effect that amplifies the reach of the ad. 

The interactive and visually appealing nature of AR ads makes them inherently shareable, potentially reaching a wider audience beyond the initial viewers.

Personalization through AI

Another important reason for the higher reach of AR ads is the integration of Artificial Intelligence. AI is a path-breaking technology that brings which, when combined with AR brings the highest level of personalization than ever before.

AR and AI offer tailor-made brand engagement on two levels. First, AI scans huge piles of data such as the users’ demography, browsing history, likes and dislikes, purchase history as well as social media activity. It uses this data to show the right advertisement to the right audience. This results in better reach with better outcomes.

Second, AI integration with AR leads to smart execution of the AR experience. This means, not only AI precisely identifies the object to be overlaid with the digital elements but also offers real-time customization of the AR product to make the digital product customizable to the most personal level.

This boosts the popularity of AR ads because users love personalization. They want to feel valued and special They appreciate brands that go the extra mile to bring tailor-made experiences for them and AR ads do just that.

This brings us to our next section. AR ads are perfectly suitable for businesses across industries and help them reach a wider audience through immersive content that keeps them hooked on the brand for longer sessions. Let’s look at how AR advertisements contribute to different countries. 

Beyond Entertainment: The Untapped Potential of AR Ads in Various Industries

Augmented Reality ads are a valuable tool for businesses across various industries, helping them reach out to their audience innovatively and build a strong positive image in the eyes of their audience. AR ads enhance brand awareness and help businesses build strong relationships with their audience through a positive market presence. 

Different types of AR experiences suit different businesses based on their specific goals, target audience, and industry requirements. Here are some examples:


AR ads enable customers to virtually try on clothing, accessories, or makeup, allowing them to see how products look on themselves in real-time. It enhances the overall user experience, boosts engagement, and increases the likelihood of purchase.

Hence, fashion businesses can really use the AR Tryon feature of the ads to let users digitally try their products while saving time and money. For example, Fashion businesses can share their digital tryon experience with their audience even before they opt to actually create the product. Users in the real world. 

This will help them get valuable feedback from their audience before the product hits the market and the designer can make the necessary changes to better suits the taste of their audience. 

On the other hand, once the product is out there in the market, businesses can offer to help users try the product in the comfort of their homes to make a better buying decision. Something online shopping was missing till now.


Retail businesses use AR ads to provide interactive product showcases, allowing users to explore features, offer customization and configuration, virtual demonstrations, and much more.

Thus, retailers can reach out to their customers and engage them better than before and better than their competitors. 


AR ads can offer users the opportunity to visualize and interact with virtual car models. Automotive businesses can use AR ads to superimpose the virtual 3D models of their products in real-world environments, enabling users to explore their different colors, trims, or configurations. 

They can use any of the AR ads including OOH AR ads to place the product right on the roads to give an awe-inspiring experience to the user. Thereby, providing interactive information about a car’s features, performance, or safety technologies, to take the automotive fans by storm.

Travel and Tourism

Businesses operating in the traveling and tourism(T&T) industry can use AR ads to transport users to their dream destinations virtually and give them a glimpse of what they would get once they visit that particular destination.

AR ads can provide travel information, pricing details, or immersive experiences that give users a taste of what they can expect when visiting a specific destination.

T&T businesses can overlay 3D models of landmarks, attractions, or hotel rooms, allowing users to explore and interact with the locations and know what options they have when it comes to visiting the place and what will suit their taste and making their trip memorable for a lifetime.

Such insights will attract users and increase the sales of the T&T businesses to a great extent.

Food and Beverage

Businesses in the sector use AR ads to showcase food and beverage products and share their information such as ingredients, nutritional information, benefits as well as the brand story. 

Also, food and beverage businesses can overlay virtual menus, allowing users to visualize dishes right where the users are. AR ads can also provide recipes, cooking instructions, or pairing suggestions, enhancing the culinary experience for users. 

All these ways engage users with the business and enhance their purchase intent.


Nothing can benefit the entertainment industry like AR ads. Given the deep level of cognition that AR ads reach, they are the only way ahead. 

AR ads will start the immersive experience right from day one of the movie promotions by taking the three-dimensional entertainment right to the users’ homes and bringing them to the desired venue be it the theatres, concerts, events, or any other entertainment gathering.

Entertainment businesses can deploy creative ways for their marketing and promotions. They can bring fictional characters, music artists, or fictional worlds to life and let fans interact with them as if it is really happening in the real world.

AR ads also allow entertainment businesses to incorporate interactive elements, such as mini-games or quizzes, related to a specific movie, TV show, or album. AR ads can also provide sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, or exclusive experiences, generating buzz and increasing user engagement.

Home Decor and Interior Design

Home decor and interior designing businesses can use AR ads to let users visualize how a product like furniture, decor, or appliances will look in their homes. 

They can enable users to virtually place the 3D models of products in their living spaces for a realistic representation of how the items will fit and complement the existing decor. 

Such businesses can also use AR ads can also offer design inspiration, product details, or links to purchase.

The Future of Advertising: Vossle’s Vision for Seamlessly Integrated AR Experiences

Advertisement space has undergone a remarkable evolution, transforming from simple text-based ads to captivating Augmented Reality (AR) experiences.

While in the start, ads relied on written messages and slogans, distributed through print media. The rise of visual media introduced images and graphics, enhancing the impact of advertisements. 

Then, the digital age brought clickable and interactive ads, leveraging the power of the internet. This further improved the user interaction with the ads as now they can click on the ads and land on the advertiser page.

However, things really changes with the advent of multimedia ads that combined text, images, audio, and video, and often tried to mix entertainment and advertisement to offer an enjoyable experience such as on platforms like YouTube and social media. 

However, the most significant advancement has been the introduction of AR ads. These ads seamlessly blend virtual elements with the real world, providing interactive and immersive experiences. 

Users can visualize products in real environments, try on virtual items, play games, and access information by pointing their devices at AR triggers. AR ads bridge the gap between online and offline experiences, captivating audiences and forging stronger connections between brands and consumers.

Vossle Facilitating the Onset of Futuristic Advertising

Vossle is taking the AR ads even one step further by allowing easy integration of AR ads into businesses existing marketing and advertising endeavors.

The AR Platform allows businesses to create Augmented Reality advertisement without spending a fortune. All they need is to register for free on the platform, choose the type of advertisement they want, upload the 3D model, or ask AI to create an image, they fine-tune the setting and that’s it. The AR advertisement is ready. You get a QR code along with the embeddable link to experience that you can use anywhere to deploy your captivating AR campaign.

Empowering Brands and Consumers Alike: The Benefits of Vossle’s AR Ad Platform

Vossle is a no-code, no-app, cloud-based SaaS platform that businesses can use to create AR experiences including AR ads. It saves businesses from shelling out huge chunks of their financial resources on hiring a team of developers. And that’s not it, Vossla also saves businesses from the hassle of developing and maintaining costly software applications.

Here we present you the amazing benefits that Vossle offers to help your business grow and achieve the success you always aimed for.


Creating Augmented Reality advertisement with Vossle doesn’t require writing long scripts of computer programming. The AR platform is highly user-friendly and anyone who knows how to operate a computer can easily use Vossle to create high-quality immersive and interactive AR experiences.

All it needs is to upload the 3D models that you want to place in the user’s environment in the GLB format, then adjust the settings to fine-tune their experience and click submit. 

The platform will hardly take a minute to render you the desired AR experience that you can deploy using the QR code and link provided.


Vossle provides you with web-based AR experiences that are compatible across software platforms such as Android, iOS, and Windows, etc., plus it is compatible across hardware platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Not only this, the experience is easy to deploy by the businesses and easy to access by the user. While businesses can readily deploy AR experience using the QR code and as we saw in the above section, the user can also easily access the AR experience without too much hassle. 

All the users need to do is scan the QR code or click on the link provided to them by the advertiser, and nothing else. The experience will open their smartphone camera in the web browser, it will scan for the even surface or look for the object as the case may be. Then, it will place the 3D model onto the real world as per the need.

The experience doesn’t require users to follow tons of confusing instructions, download applications, or anything else. That is why users also prefer web-based AR experiences rather than application-based AR experiences. Web-based applications do not devour users’ precious memory space. 

That is also why Web-based applications are much more popular and reach to a wider audience. Thus, AR advertisements created using Vossle offer a higher ROI and better outcomes than traditional advertising methods.

From Reels to Real-Life: How Vossle is Pioneering AR Ads Beyond Social Media

Leading businesses have used Vossle to create mind-blowing AR experiences for their prospective customers. They have been among the early movers to adopt AR and add value to their user experience. And the outcomes have been phenomenal. 

First, and the obvious benefit has been the great user experience and enhanced brand image for bringing a new experience to their customers. It set them apart from their competitors and helped them gain an appreciation for their novel efforts.

Second, since they have been the first to offer something innovative that no one has seen before, this helped them gain a lot of attention in the media for bringing something new to the table. They created a lot of buzz in and out of their sector and set high industry standards.

Here we present you some of the renowned names that used Vossle to disrupt the market.


tanishq jewelry tryon augmented reality advertisement

Tanishq is the biggest jewelry retail brand in India. The brand is owned by Titan which, in turn, is owned by TATA. Tanishq is known for its excellent craftsmanship, premium quality, and elegant designs. They wanted to give users a unique experience of digitally trying out their latest collection ‘Rivaah’ at the time of its launch. 

Tanishq decided to use Augmented Reality (AR) as they found that a growing number of people now prefer to virtually try-on items while online shopping, especially the younger generation that is tech-savvy and stays online most of the time.

The Outcome

As a result, the launch event attained great success. Attendees highly admired the never-before experiences of digital product visualization and try-ons that helped them better under the product which was never possible in online shopping earlier. Tanishq garnered huge appreciation and popularity in the industry and in the media.

Emirates NBD

emirates nbd augmented reality advertisement

Emirates NBD, a government-owned bank based in Dubai, is the largest banking group in the Middle East & Turkey (MENAT) region.

The Emirates NBD team created AR Face Filter on Vossle to celebrate the Chinese New Year in 2022. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger.

Emirates NBD used Vossle to offer a Face-Filter AR Experience to their targetted audience. The filter painted the user’s face with a tiger image.

As it was a Web-based AR experience, it could be deployed across the Internet to reach out to a huge audience regardless of what smartphone or other device they use to access the Internet.

The Outcome

The campaigns garnered huge success with 100K+ views and high user engagement. The average interaction time was over a minute indicating that users found it worth their time.

The client was also pleased and satisfied and we worked on other projects as well that involved AR experiences.

Unilever Pond’s

ponds webar experience for augmented reality advertisement

Hindustan Unilever is a London-based multinational Public Limited Company. Unilever owns Pond’s, an American brand dealing in beauty and healthcare products. 

They wanted to approach the young audience to expand their customer base and the best way to do that is to deploy the latest technology in a playful manner.

Thus, they used Vossle to create an interesting AR game for their promotions. In the game, the player needed to pop the bubbles with their head and face movements. The more bubbles they pop, the more radiant and glowing their skin turns just like Ponds beauty cream. 

The Outcome

The campaign was a huge success with around 60x more campaign engagement i.e. 4+ minutes of average playing time. This also improves our client’s organic traffic acquisition and a 550% increase in Click-through Rate(CTR). 

The client was highly pleasantly surprised by the outcome and is looking to deploy more such experiences to tap the huge AR potential in the marketing and advertising space.

Overcoming Challenges: Addressing Concerns and Embracing the AR Advertising Revolution

Vossle AR helps businesses create Augmented Reality advertisement that overcome challenges that Instagram Reel cannot. As we saw in the above section AR advertisements offer a smooth blend of entertainment and advertisement that audiences find hard to skip instead, they spend a significant amount of time engaging with the advertisement content.

Next, AR advertisements offer ample scope in terms of time and space to share the brand story in the best way possible. Unlike Reels, AR ads are not limited by the time duration as well as short attention span of the user. AR advertisement can be made as long as required by the storytelling and more importantly, users pay complete undivided attention to the experience because they are put into and different environment altogether. This environment is solely made for brand interaction and the outer world disturbance has no say in it.

Thirdly, Instagram reels have no clickable or other features that can link users’ websites or other web pages to them. They exist in silos and the customer has to either check the bio of the advertiser or they have to organically search for the advertiser on a search engine. Not to say, a lot of leads get lost in between the process. However, Augmented Reality advertisement give advertisers the option to include links so that the business can drive the traffic directly to their desired web page and make the best use of their advertisement.

Apart from the above, there are two more challenges that AR advertisements overcome. Let’s see them one by one.

Reels are Platform Dependents, AR for freedom

Instagram reels or other short videos format are limited to the platform they are created in and they are very limited in their shareability on the other platforms. 

On the other hand, AR advertisements are all platform friendly, advertisers can share them on any application or web page and they will run super smoothly. Even the AR advertisers can be shared on the offline platform using the printed QR code as we saw in the above discussion. Hence, once the AR advertisements are created there is no limit to its reach.

No need to download an App with Augmented Reality advertisement

AR advertisements are readily accessible through web browsers while Instagram Reels need an application to run. 

Users have to download the application before they can access the Reels content.

On the other hand, with Augmented Reality advertisement, users just need to scan the QR code or click on the link and the advertisement will run on their smartphone or any other devices. There are virtually no limitations of software and hardware requirements. AR advertisements run on all popular operating systems like Android, Windows, and iOS on all popular hardware platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.


In conclusion, Vossle is revolutionizing the world of advertising by offering a cutting-edge platform for creating Augmented Reality advertisement without the need for coding or applications. With Vossle, advertisers can tap into the future of advertisement through AR advertising that outperforms Instagram Reels in several key aspects.

This is done by engaging users through interaction, providing storytelling opportunities, being platform independent, eliminating application downloads, and offering link integration, Vossle opens up new possibilities for advertisers to captivate their audience and achieve superior advertising results.